a day of food.. and chocolate.

Morning! How are you all doing? I am having just the most excellent Wednesday. Yesterday afternoon, right as I was finishing up my HIIT session, my dearest, beloved Mom walked into the gym, to my complete surprise! Yay! So my next few days will be full of love and fun! I am a total mama’s girl//my mom is my best friend… if you couldn’t tell.

So without further ado (I’m actually off to walk with mom herself as I finish up this post), here’s a recap of my eats in a day (Tuesday as it happens.)

check out Jenn’s website for some more WIAW inspiration!

Tuesday: My morning started off with a little sip of coffee before I headed out for a 50 minute walk. It was misting the whole time but luckily the rain held off until a little after I arrived back home.

I started my morning off with my “hydration station”. 1/2 the coffee was drank before my morning walk. After the walk I had the rest of my coffee, a little apple cider vinegar + water, and a giant glass of water with lemon.


Breakfast followed: sauerkraut, 2 scrambled eggs,with broccoli, peppers, and cauliflower.


Thirty minute later, I realized breakfast wasn’t going to last me all morning, so I sliced up an organic gala apple and enjoyed it with some almond butter.

Breakfast held me through my classes (even if the classes made me sleepy…) and I finally arrived at lunch for a satisfying meal.


A jumbo salad with 2 grilled chicken strips hidden underneath, and topped with some red wine vinegar.


Afternoon snack (to fuel the studying!): 86% dark chocolate. snap, crackle, give me that chocolate! I think I’m an addict. I might be ok with it 😉


My workout for the day was a 30 minute HIIT workout on the treadmill. 30 seconds sprint, 1 minute walk. Repeat. Feel like a (sweaty) beast.


After my workout I still had over an hour until dinner and I needed a little refuel: chocolate chips (Enjoy Life dairy + soy free) with some raw almonds. More chocolate.. what can I say!


Dinner enjoyed with my mom and a club meeting: salad with all the veggies, topped with salmon that I brought from home (because I am a nutrition nerd.)

And there you have it– my eats for a typical day! Sometimes more, sometimes less, but always chocolate. It’s the best.

Questions of the day:

What is one food you eat (almost) every day?

Chocolate: dark, milk, or white?

Do I talk about chocolate too much? 😉

WIAW: catching up!

Hey guys! Long time no..talk! It’s been a loooooooong two weeks. Tests, quizzes, papers, and more. But the real reason I haven’t been blogging is…my phone stopped working! And I honestly didn’t realize until then,  just how much easier it makes …everything. First of all, I didn’t take ANY pictures without my phone. I’m a college student, and I’m not going to carry my camera around ALL day, so I basically rely on my phone for food pictures. Second of all, I just felt more stressed/busy- everything took more planning because once I went somewhere I knew I wouldn’t be able to change the plans//contact anyone.

Anyway, long story short, my new phone finally arrived yesterday (after being sent to New York instead of South Carolina..) , and I also finished two tests so I am back to share my recent eats & activities!


^^Breakfast of the champions? Well, at least it was color coordinated. 1 egg, spaghetti squash, and a delicious slice of paleo pumpkin bread that I definitely need to give you guys the recipe for^^



^^Furman Fall, I really am blessed to go to such a beautiful school^^



^^and to go there with my best friend.^^


^^a treat from the Dining Hall while I was studying for my tests yesterday. gf corn flakes, chocolate chips, a little greek yogurt, and peaches. you just need a treat sometimes, ya know?^^



^^One of my favorite on-campus dinners: a large salad from the ‘pden’ aka our mini food court. You get lettuce + 7 toppings, and they chop them all up. Mine was cucumber, bell pepper, turkey, parmesan cheese, strawberries, walnuts topped with red wine vinegar and olive oil.^^


^^after a long day, I was starving when I got back to my apartment. These chips– cooked in avocado oil instead of a harmful seed oil — and they happen to also be extremely delicious^^

check out Peas And Crayons for more WIAW fun!

Questions of the day:

what have you been up to lately?

worst experience you’ve had with a phone?

Healthy & Quick- study day eats.

It’s major crunch time for me here at school. But that doesn’t mean I want my nutrition to suffer. Im not going to lie, this week will probably include more chocolate, snacks, and way more caffeine than I normally like, but I’m not going to beat myself up. Whatever keeps me sane.

One thing I do know though, is if I eat unhealthy foods and pass up my normal vegetables + fruits, I’ll reach my test days feeling tired, cranky, and mentally weak. Good foods truly fuel my studying and I need to keep on track with that!


Yesterday morning started off with a simple, easy breakfast. Udi’s Gluten-Free Toast, with almond butter (that looks like a little animal!). On the side I ate some frozen fruit. This breakfast didn’t take away from my study/packing time, but it did leave me satisfied and fueled for a morning of work


A few hours later, I walked over to campus. I really do love the 1 mile walk. It’s a great break and it forces me to get some time outside, on days when I would normally be locked away studying all day.

For lunch: a “falafel salad” (minus falafel + chicken) from our campus restaurant. Simple and delicious. I love a huge salad to fuel my studying. All those vegetables are great brain power! Plus cheese + chicken give it more staying power. Proteins and fats are even more important than the carbs, so I try to include some in every meal I eat.


Studying took up the next 1.5 hours, and then my workout. I hopped on the treadmill and did an easy 3.18 mile run. After that, I was still feeling pretty good, so I hopped on the Arc trainer for another 30 minutes of sweatin’. Working out is truly my de-stresser, and it re-energizes me when I know I have to go back and stare at a computer for the next hours.



As a nice treat, on of our Health Sciences professors organized a “Study Day Recharge” in the library. Healthy snacks, yoga, and a much needed relaxation. I grabbed a few snacks to much on while studying. Green smoothie, homemade hummus + veggies, and a few local strawberries. Don’t mind if I do 🙂


After another hour or so of work, I headed to the dining hall and grabbed this monster salad to-go. The boy got Thai takeout, but I wanted to save my money for a friend’s birthday dinner tonight. Plus I know I usually eat more rice than I intend to and that just weighs me down energy-wise. This salad + some blue corn chips I had in my apartment did the trick.

I spent the rest of the night with my boy, working on our recommendation-letter requests and watching the coolest Disocvery Channel shows- Marooned and Dual Survival. Who says you can’t be productive and have fun at the same time!


How do you stay healthy during stressful weeks?

Chocolate for Breakfast and Salads for Lunch.

Healthy living is all about balance right? Workouts, an active lifestyle, healthy foods, and some indulgences. I eat my vegetables, my protein, my good fats, and I try to live an active lifestyle. Sooooo, when I decide I want to throw some chocolate chips on my oats? Not a big deal. I roll with it. Even if it’s two days in a row…

Oats, almond milk, roasted nuts, and a few chocolate chips. A happy start to my day.



Workouts are, of course, an important part of the healthy lifestyle. However it’s important not to push too hard. During stressful weeks, intense workouts can put unnecessary stress on your body.

My workout yesterday was limited by another clumsy accident… I walked into the gym and went to hop on a treadmill. To my surprise… it was already on, at 6.3 mph. There was no one in sight, and I don’t know why it was on but… it left me pretty beat up. My right knee was skinned and my left knee got thrown into the edge of the treadmill, leaving me with some weird hole-esque wound. My arms got a little “treadmill-burn” as well, but I’m so thankful it wasn’t my face that hit the spinning band.

Today, my knee is pretty sore and a little swollen, but I got in a 45 minute Arc workout, and it actually felt good to stretch my knees out a little. It might be a few days before I attempt to run though…

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Move on, right? I rarely go a full week without injuring myself, so I’m pretty used to this kind of this now.


Another key element of my balanced lifestyle? Heaps of colorful veggies keep me happy, and full of energy. I try to go for a big bowl of vegetables, some protein, and some fats. Balance!

Lettuce and mustard (not a full meal):


“Falafel” Salad with chicken instead of falafel.


Take-out salad from the dining hall-salads are my go-to option for the DH. There aren’t many healthy options, and this way I can stick to whole, unprocessed foods, that I know haven’t been covered in unhealthy seed oils or gluten-containing sauces. Salsa and hummus are great toppings + flavor adders.


What are your best tips for a healthy lifestyle?

A Week’s Work

What a crazy week. Luckily this one will be my last super busy week before my finals. I have my last big Physics test and my final presentation for my Independent Study this week. Then, this weekend is my boy’s formal down in Charleston. Lots to do- healthy food, good workouts, and organization is the best way to get through!

Here are my eats and workouts from this week!


Homemade chicken, quinoa, and pesto from NMK. He made me a belated birthday dinner. I am one lucky 21 year old!


Pecan-encrusted chicken salad. I went out with my roommate and her mom, and we all got the same thing. No regrets, this was the best chicken salad I’ve ever had.


Spaghetti squash, bell pepper, and eggs + hummus. A veggie-filled start to my day.


Another vegetable-tastic breakfast. I love cooking up vegetables on Sunday and having them for quick meals during the week.


Dining Hall salads. Basically only thing I eat there. I’m not complaining about that though.






Workouts this week:

Monday: A 5:45 am bootcamp workout. SO early but lots of fun.


Tuesday: A partner circuit with my roommate and an easy 20 minute cool down on the Arc Trainer. The partner circuit was no joke and almost killed us. In the best way!

Wednesday: Simple Arc Trainer workout. Busy days call for easy workouts!


Thursday: A 5 mile run on the treadmill.


Friday: An hour of cross training on the bike.

Saturday: A treadmill run and an outdoor circuit with my boy. But I didn’t account for the hot weather, and almost passed out. I am not ready for summer workouts!


Final Thoughts:



My beautiful school. I really am blessed!

This weekend I am also extremely thankful for my opportunity to be at this school and for my amazingly supportive parents. They make it all possible!

Question of the day:

What are you thankful for lately?

Is it springtime by you yet?

Life Lately.

Woah y’all! I never expected the week before my birthday to be so busy! I thought this week was going to focus on homework, but I got so swamped with internship work, errands, and other small jobs this week. Luckily I was still able to fit all my work in (it’s a priority, right!?). Unfortunately, I didn’t get to check in here. After doing homework all night, I just wasn’t motivated to come type about my day. But I do have some pictures to share from the week!

1. A delicious brunch out with my NMK. I had a gluten free breakfast bowl with eggs, bacon, cheese, and salsa! Check out Tupelo Honey Cafe if there’s one in your area!


2. Busy days this week meant breakfasts on the go (in order for maximum sleep of course!). Top- an empty jar of Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut butter, filled with banana, oats, coconut milk, and some roasted nuts. Bottom- some “overnight” (aka 30 min) oats with coconut milk, pumpkin, chia seeds, nuts, and a little Nikki’s Pumpkin Spiced Donut Coconut Butter.


3. Occasionally I wear real clothes. 1- for a big interview: have to wear my orange pants! 2- Church and brunch with the boy!



4. Workouts. Working out is totally my stress relief. This week I kept fit with light cardio and lots of circuit/strength workouts. I am feeling stronger and really excited to be lifting weights again. I want to build some strength and get my muscles pumping!

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5. I totally rocked my salads this week. Love getting my veggies in with such filling & delicious salads.


6. Paleo Banana Bread. I wish I had written a recipe for this. Sigh, guess I’ll just have to make some more– such a burden ;).


7. Dates and projects!

1- Frozen Yogurt with my 2 besties since freshman year. We don’t get to hang out as much anymore, but we still have the best times together.

2-Movie night, followed by dinner with the boy! Our little solo birthday celebration for yours truly.

3- A huge gardening project this morning for my internship. We cleaned the plot up, spread topsoil, tilled the whole thing and dug out plots for new raised garden beds. It was a lot of work, but so awesome to get this community garden started. Plus it was an upper body workout I’ll be feeling for days!


8. Presents! My birthday isn’t until tomorrow, but I’ve been lucky enough to get a few early presents! 1: An amazing caramel cake from my parents! It’s not gluten free, but a little splurge is worth it for me! 2: An amazing sterling silver + diamond cross ring from NMK. I am certainly one blessed, lucky, and loved girl!


Do you love mix & match salads, or stick to the classics?

Do you love your birthday?!! I 115% do!


Have you guys checked out the awesome blogger Monica over at Bravo For Paleo? You need to! She has a great website, and an e-book that is only $3 with a guide to Primal eating, and how you can manage it in college. ^^This is a banana pancake from her book- and the recipe is only 2 ingredients!^


Justin’s Nut Butters! This was my first jar of Justin’s and I am a total believer. This is basically the same thing as Nutella. Except it’s 100x “real-er”. You can taste the hazelnuts, and it is not loaded with sugar. A new staple.


Salads are my specialty around here. Especially at my college dining hall. There aren’t too many healthy options, so I usually go for all the veggies, some protein, and possible some cheese or almonds on top!



Homemade salads are also a regular staple. I consider myself a salad connoisseur 😉 !



I wore real clothes multiple times this week. I consider that a win. It’s really tempting to wear leggings and a tshirt everyday- especially those days when I go from class to the lab to clubs…you get the picture!


I like to multitask when I’m stressed. Walking on the treadmill while studying- it allows me to get some activity in, while not neglecting my school work.


Final Thoughts:



Coconut Butter (or the new topping to everything I eat)

Well, y’all- I made it! Spring Break has finally arrived. The past week was midterms, which is always a busy & challenging time. But the reward- a week off, and maximum relaxation! This morning I’m off to Savannah, GA to enjoy a week of beach and exploration with my friends- I’ll be sure to update you all on how it is!

Here is some fun from the past week: captions included.


^^Smoothie bowl and muesli topping.^^


^^All wrapped up for the unexpected cold this week.^^

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^^HAVE YOU HAD NIKKI’S COCONUT BUTTER? You must try this. It’s better than you could imagine!^^


^^An unconventional breakfast. Pumpkin puree, protein powder, coconut butter, and muesli. This tasted like pumpkin cake and I will DEFINITELY be recreating it in the near near near future!^^


^^Oldie but good one. Oats, banana, and granola.^^


^^Midterm stress = a lot of HIIT and circuit workouts this week. I love getting a sweat session in to combat stress and refresh my mind for more studying^^

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^^Uh…. I guess you could say I like salads? Any way, form, version. I’m a sucker for salads.^^


^^Finally off. Enjoying the weekend. Packing for Savannah.^^

Are you doing something fun this weekend?

Follow me on Instagram ( @eatprayworkitout ) for more peaks into my daily life!

WIAF- What I Ate Friday!

What I Ate Wednesday is a pretty popular theme here in the blog-o-sphere. However, Wednesdays always seem to fly by for me. I did, however capture {pretty much} everything I ate yesterday, so I thought I would share a full day of eats with y’all!


For breakfast, I whipped up a smoothie, based on the JJ Virgin Diet Shake. I enjoyed a few spoonfuls of Bob’s Red Mill Muesli along side. The chewy oats were delicious with spoonfuls of berry-filled smoothie!


1 cup Almond Milk

1 scoop SunWarrior Protein Powder {rice based}

3/4 cup frozen berries

1 TBSP chia seeds




Friday was a busy day for me, so I just grabbed some food to-go from the Dining Hall. They actually had some awesome looking grilled chicken for once {as opposed to the sketchy grey chunks they normally have}, and roasted brussels sprouts, which I topped with marinara sauce. To go along with it all, I grabbed a bunch of vegetables- spinach, cucumbers, romaine, carrots, tomatoes, celery, and northern beans  to top it all off!


^^Post lunch, I enjoyed a pear. Then an hour later {after my class} I had an apple. I was feeling sleepy, and I wanted some fast fuel before I headed off for my workout.^^


For my workout I did a 45 minute HIIT session on the Arc Trainer. It felt awesome– and I was covered in sweat by the end.

After my workout, I changed and had a quick snack before heading off for a fun activity– dance lessons!


^^Celery and salsa. Crunchy and delicious.^^

A few months ago, I bought NMK a Groupon for 4 dance lessons as a couple. We have been trying to improve our swing dancing {it’s SO popular down here} and this seemed like a fun way to do it. The dance lesson was a ton of fun, and it flew by. I can’t wait for the next one!


^^For dinner we went to Panera, and I ordered off their Hidden Menu. I had the Power Chicken Hummus Bowl, a side of soup, and a bag of chips. I was pretty hungry!^^

NMK and I spent the rest of the night studying, before watching an episode of House of Cards {it gets more intense every episode}. I had a spoonful of almond butter, to satisfy my sweet tooth.

Side note: Why does Panera have a “secret menu” with items that are healthier than their “normal menu”?! Does this make sense to anyone? They should have MORE items like their secret menu. Rant over. You all should check it out next time you’re at Panera.

Question of the day:

What is your favorite place to eat out?

Mine are a few local restaurants: Tupelo Honey Cafe, Everyday Organic, and Moe’s Mexican Restaurant.

The little runner that could.

On Friday morning, I woke up 2 hours before class and studied/finished up some last minute homework. It’s nice to have a 9:30 class because it’s just late enough that I can have 30 min-1 hour {depending on when I wake up} to cook, blog, or do any homework I haven’t finished.


^For breakfast, I noshed on some Roasted Red Pepper soup, with Udi’s Gluten Free toast and some egg whites on the side.^



^Lunch was eaten in the Dining Hall– salad, followed by some fruit, greek yogurt and cereal. It was pretty delicious, especially because I was starving by the time I ate it. I think I need to get some bigger breakfasts in..^

My afternoon was toiled away in the Research Lab, working on our video, and learning how to use all the fancy lab tools. I am so excited to start our real research this coming week!

After finishing up in the lab, I headed over to the gym for a quick workout- 35 minutes on the Arc Trainer and 20 on the Elliptical

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A quick shower and change later, and we were all off to dinner. My roommate’s boyfriend is in town so a whole group on us went out to Whole Foods and noshed hard on their salad bar. I love getting anything I want– I usually get a bite of almost everything- how could you resist?



^Some Zevia. Delicious!^


On Saturday morning, I woke up much earlier than I had planned, but I just rolled with it. I worked on emails and such for a while, before putting on some Downton Abbey and starting breakfast.



^I made pancakes for myself and the boy. Whole wheat. It was a little experiment for my gluten free life. The boy has been reading some things about how processed gluten is what really usually bothers people , as opposed to more natural foods like whole wheat flour, or just the plain grains. I used whole wheat flour, and ate a couple of them. I didn’t feel too bad afterward, but I don’t know if I necessarily felt amazing.^

A little homework, and some cleaning, then it was off to the gym for the 10 mile run! I usually do my long runs on Sundays, but I wanted to get it done for the weekend, especially because I have a lot of homework that I need to be working on today.



Unfortunately, because of the cold {freezing} weather I had to run inside. Ugh! I plan to do most of my runs outside for the last month of training, but I just hope it warms up a bit! I stopped about halfway to refill my water, and go to the bathroom. Then restarted for the rest of the run. I wasn’t running fast by any means. It’s so odd to me how one run can be great {like my 9.5 last weekend}



My amazing boyfriend showed up and ended up running the last 2.5 miles next to me. It was such a treat, and great encouragement to have him there smiling, and telling me that I could do it! I was also texting my mom the entire time.. she always makes me feel better!

After my run, I headed back and ate a banana, and chugged lots of water. I did laundry, and then proceeded to lay on my bed until I began to feel nauseous. I realized that I hadn’t really refueled after my run, and that was probably why. I drank some water + Nuun and ate another banana + some trail mix. After laying down a little more, I felt much better. I’m upset with myself that I didn’t refuel better!

The rest of the evening was Mexican food {I had tilapia, and LOTS of chips + salsa, plus the rice + beans from NMK’s fajitas. Score!}, and then hanging and playing games with the friends. We played Head’s Up {Ellen Degeneres’ App!} and then just talked. I headed to bed around midnight.