Chocolate for Breakfast and Salads for Lunch.

Healthy living is all about balance right? Workouts, an active lifestyle, healthy foods, and some indulgences. I eat my vegetables, my protein, my good fats, and I try to live an active lifestyle. Sooooo, when I decide I want to throw some chocolate chips on my oats? Not a big deal. I roll with it. Even if it’s two days in a row…

Oats, almond milk, roasted nuts, and a few chocolate chips. A happy start to my day.



Workouts are, of course, an important part of the healthy lifestyle. However it’s important not to push too hard. During stressful weeks, intense workouts can put unnecessary stress on your body.

My workout yesterday was limited by another clumsy accident… I walked into the gym and went to hop on a treadmill. To my surprise… it was already on, at 6.3 mph. There was no one in sight, and I don’t know why it was on but… it left me pretty beat up. My right knee was skinned and my left knee got thrown into the edge of the treadmill, leaving me with some weird hole-esque wound. My arms got a little “treadmill-burn” as well, but I’m so thankful it wasn’t my face that hit the spinning band.

Today, my knee is pretty sore and a little swollen, but I got in a 45 minute Arc workout, and it actually felt good to stretch my knees out a little. It might be a few days before I attempt to run though…

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Move on, right? I rarely go a full week without injuring myself, so I’m pretty used to this kind of this now.


Another key element of my balanced lifestyle? Heaps of colorful veggies keep me happy, and full of energy. I try to go for a big bowl of vegetables, some protein, and some fats. Balance!

Lettuce and mustard (not a full meal):


“Falafel” Salad with chicken instead of falafel.


Take-out salad from the dining hall-salads are my go-to option for the DH. There aren’t many healthy options, and this way I can stick to whole, unprocessed foods, that I know haven’t been covered in unhealthy seed oils or gluten-containing sauces. Salsa and hummus are great toppings + flavor adders.


What are your best tips for a healthy lifestyle?

monday, moe’s day.

Monday wasn’t as bad as….Monday. It flew by, mainly due to my busssssy schedule.



Breakfast was quick, cool, and creamy. Perfect for a day when it’s 90 before noon. Greek yogurt, some oat-based granola, and some frozen Trader Joe’s pineapple chunks. With a side of coffee, and some apple cider vinegar. Just another day in the neighborhood.


Then I headed off on my {1.3 mile} walk to class. It’s definitely a leeeeeeetle inconvenient to have to leave 20-30 minutes early for class BUT I have to say I enjoy the quiet time just enjoying my surroundings. Sometimes I listen to a podcast, or call my family, or just have me time. Good wake up !

I spent the afternoon babysitting for my favorite little ones. I babysit them 8 hours a week, and after only 2 weeks, we’re already a little group. They melt my heart…even when they’re being little rascals. I mean…look at those faces! How could I be angry at those?!

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^what a babe magnet^


When I got back from babysitting, I headed to grab some dinner before starting in on the studying for the night. I had a TON of reading to do, and it took me the rest of the night to get ‘er done.

Mid way through the night, I headed over to the gym for a re-engergizing workout. 10 minutes Arc trainer, followed by 25 minutes on the elliptical. My legs/body was pretty tired {between baby-sitting  and the 9 miler yesterday} but it felt good to just move a bit and stretch my legs out. I also find it such an amazing wake up/study break. When you’re reading 80 straight pages of a novel, that invigorating workout it key to powering through study time!


I made a little friend on my way back to the apartment. I feel so happy when I notice a little piece of nature in my everyday surroundings. Nature is all around, it’s just a matter of taking a moment to see it!


My little snack upon arriving back- some greek yogurt, a little peanut butter, and some carob chips.

Then I headed to bed fully ready for a restful night.

some inspiration:

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the weekend of 9 miles.

this weekend was filled with friends + fun {ok, and some schoolwork too}. the perfect mix, no?



This Saturday started off early with a trip to the annual sale at Sunrift Adventures in little ol’ Travelers Rest, SC. Isn’t that the cutest name for a town? It literally got its name from being a rest for travelers before they went on a bit north where you come to the mountains. It’s also because travelers would have to wait here during the winter before the snow cleared and they could pass over the mountains into North Carolina. Pretty cool.

At the sale, I planned to look for a bike. My apartment {on campus} is pretty far from main campus this year {about 1.2 miles. which sounds close, but it’s the farthest you can be from academic buildings for my lil’ school. the backyard of our building is the gate to leave hah}, so I was looking for a bike to make the morning commute a little less painful. Unfortunately, all the bikes were considerably more than I was looking for. Oh. Guess I’ll be looking at Walmart or some garage sales.


After breakfast we headed over to The Forest Coffeehouse for some coffee to wake up. My treat to thank the boys for waking up before 9 on a Saturday! A feat in itself.


A little later in the day, we drove to Whole Foods + Trader Joe’s for some groceries and some lunch! Yummmmmm. I’m a total sucker for the Whole Foods prepared foods sections. Can y’all resist? This plate is a total mish mash- strawberries, lettuce, roasted peppers, buffalo tofu {legitimately delicious, probably the best tofu I’ve ever had. My meat-eating boy was actually the one who suggested it. So, that’s a good sign} quinoa salad, and a little apple crisp because either A) I have no self control or B) I hadn’t eaten yet and had no discretion in loading my plate up. {answer is actually A and B}. Everything was delicious. I felt so spoiled, enjoying a classy meal, on a beautiful day, with a bunch of great friends.


We stopped to see some puppies…these were 5 days old. My heart melted into mush for these little guys!


Workout happened later in the day, as a study break. Some biking, elliptical, arc and then a barbell circuit with the boy.


Saturday night, we headed out to support our Furman Paladins Men’s Soccer team against College of Charleston. The game turned out to be SUPER suspenseful, tied at 0-0 at the end of both halves. We went into overtime, and within 4 minutes, a freshman scored the winning goal. It was even more awesome considering they had just put him in for OT and it was his first appearance of the season. Woo! Go ‘dins!


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A full breakfast…oats with a little granola for crunch, mini apple, apple cider vinegar, and my  beloved coffee.


Then I headed downtown for some church time with the boy. We’re currently in the process of figuring out which church we’d like to belong to in Greenville. So far Christ Church, and Renewal have been great, but we’re going to try a few more out settling on our final decision.

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After heading back to school, I made myself a little lunch in the apartment. Veggies, black bean burger, and plenty of hummus. Those cherry tomatoes have my heart.


Afternoon snack- greek yogurt for some protein and granola for some carbs.. I was fueling up ….


Because I was about to go run 9 miles! My farthest distance yet. I still can’t really believe it happened… but I am so so happy I did it!


Mid run photos never turn out too well….

The run was a LOT harder than my 8 miler last week. For almost the entire run, my legs felt tired and I really had to drag them along. Maybe it’s from a bit too much activity this week? Maybe I was dehydrated? I’ll have to reassess for my next long run!

Anywho- I finished it! And felt like a champ!



After my run, I quickly showered and dress {a challenge when my legs felt like collapsing} and headed over to the Vista House {an intentional Christian community} for their Sunday night $4 dinner. It was amazing {and mostly local/seasonal :)} as expected. Rice and beans, salad, homemade bread, and some avocado.


When I got back from dinner, I did a little {we’re talking MINIMAL} more homework, then got up to some tomfoolery. Mostly taking selfies, eating some cookie dough {hey I ran 9 miles! I got to reward my bod a little!}, wearing my compression socks, and cuddling with the roommate and boy. It was the perfect end to the weekend!

Can’t wait to see what this week brings!

what up Saturday.

Friday- already? I’m not complaining! I had planned to share all this with you guys sooner, but well… the week sort of got away from me. My classes this semester are very reading based, so it takes a while to work through all of that. By the end of the day, I haven’t been taking the time to blog. But I’m doing my best.

Monday Cook Up:

This Monday {Labor Day}, I did a cook up of all the veggies/random things I had lying around. This way, quick healthy meals would be at my fingertips for the week, making it both easier and fun to eat healthy! I either pan-grilled or baked all the veggies then stored them, so they are ready to be combined in whatever thousands of ways I can imagine!


^the veggie haul^



^chopped and ready to go^


^some RHONYC to entertain me while I was cooking^


^cutting some onions^


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^bam. prepped for the week!^

 food of the week:


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some dinner mixed up:



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Sunday- 8 mile run

Monday- HIIT {bike} with the boy.

Tuesday- Dumbbell Circuit + 4 mile run

Wednesday- 1 hour walking + dumbbell circuit + babysitting yo!

Thursday- Arc Trainer [45 min]

Friday- Arc [30 min] + Elliptical [15 min] + bodyweight circuit



^outfittin’ for the schoolday^


IMG_1987 ^babysitting antics^

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^that baby…too cute!^



^when the babies take your phone…^

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^frog life.^

happy weekend, do something fun!

weekly activities.

one of my best friends has been visiting me for the past week.. hence the sporadic postings. Here’s  a quick update.



Sunday– I ran to the gym (1.1 miles) then Arc-ed it up for 45 min

Monday– Lots of babysitting (5 hours….pics below), plus 10 min of Elliptical, 30 min of Arc

Tuesday- Walking ~4 miles (just to get to class/back and the gym/back it’s legit.) Elliptical 10 min; Arc 20 min

Wednesday- 5 mile run, woo! Did this outside at 6 am and….let’s just say it did NOT go very well. I didn’t drink any water beforehand, or bring any with me. By mile 4 I was pretty miserable, I even walked a few times. Hey- not every run can be great right? Makes the good ones feel more awesome!

Thursday- babysitting again. It’s a tiring day y’all! I love that the kids want to run around outside though- sooooo much better than keeping them stuck inside!

I biked to/from class {thanks to the boy for letting me use his bike}.

Later- I jogged 1.1 to the gym; Arced for 25 min; then jogged/walked home. I couldn’t figure out why my legs were so tired… then I remembered the painful 5 miles yesterday morning. oops.

Friday- we shall see! I’m supposed to have an 8 miler tomorrow but I’m postponing it to Sunday so I’ll probably do some sort of elliptical/biking today. Plus I’m totally lacking strength this week, so maybe some arms.


^post 5 miler. So happy to be done^

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^the best friend visiting. love this girl^


^first day of class…ah. I’m a junior!^


^interviewing for the babysitting job.^

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^working it. The girls like to take pictures…I’m not complaining!^


^nailed it. They love me. Not complaining about this either!^


^boys are hilarious. and odd.^


^salad from a lunch date :)^


^hummus sando SCARFED down while babysitting^



happy friday all!


A few weeks ago, a friend suggested starting a blog. At first I didn’t really consider it. I mean, what would I have to blog about? But as I thought and reflected more, I realized that there were so SO many reasons to write a blog. And the more I explored the idea, the more excited I became. Why? Because I realized that I do have something to blog about. I have lots to share, to blog about, to put out there. And it’s not necessarily anything special. It’s my ordinary every day life.

I plan to focus my blog on some of the most important aspects of me- living healthy, staying fit, being sustainable, and enjoying every minute of life as fully as I can!

So here is my little niche, corner, nook of the internet. A place where I plan to share my life. Not every aspect, but the important things, the interesting things, the things that matter to me. Mostly, I want to share my experience living, loving, and learning with all of you.

Come be entertained by the messing, wonderful journey of my life!