weekend adventures + the meals of the day.

Summer is definitely here in South Carolina 85+ every day, with a proper dose of rain. Just your typical southern summer! yesterday I got stranded for about 10 minutes in a torrential downpour. Being a northerner, I am not a  fan of driving haphazardly through the rain, so I opted to pull over and let the worst part pass. It goes from downpour to sprinkling rain in a matter of 10 minutes here, so waiting it out really isn’t too bad! Plus as I pulled in at home, I saw a double rainbow, just the joyful moment I needed!



food of the day:

breakfast: a mess of eggs, zucchini, eggplant, and salsa + avocado on top. easy & delicious.


lunch: eggplant, salmon, zucchini and olive oil. eaten barely warmed, because when it’s 90 out, I really don’t want to cook.



dinner: spaghetti squash, brussels, ground beef (the BEST) and tomato sauce. another simple meal for a busy day!


and another adventure from this weekend:

hiking which ended with sliding down rocks into the river. nothing better than nature 🙂




Question of the day:

How do you dal with cooking in the summer? Avoid it, or just turn up the AC?

11 thoughts on “weekend adventures + the meals of the day.

  1. I usually try to grill outside as much as possible, or do most of my oven-required cooking in one day so I don’t have to keep heating up my apartment then try to cool it down multiple times through the week. Hope you have a great Thursday! PS that spaghetti squash looks amazing… might have to add that to my grocery list : )

  2. I live in Arkansas and the heat is already hitting us too. We have a gas stove and range – so it definitely heats up in our kitchen. I try to push through and cook when it gets hot. Just add a fan in the kitchen to help keep the temperatures down.

  3. I used to live in Georgia and North Carolina after I graduated college and your picture/description of the rain brought back how much I enjoyed the weather there. Also, how green everything was. Here in Kansas we get about two weeks of green and then a summer of brown.

    Also, really impressed by how many veggies you get into your day! I can never seem to change my mindset enough to be good about it. Will be following more of your posts for inspiration. Thank you!

  4. I’m big on meal prepping in the summer! I try to just sweat it out once a week to prep as much “hot” food as possible and then portion so I can grab & go (and microwave) throughout the week! It helps double duty because summer is usually busier for me so having healthy options I don’t have to even bother preparing is a lifesaver some days.

    I also eat way more salads in the summer. Tuna salad on top of greens is a huge favorite, or grilled steak/chicken with other toppings.

    Oh, and if I really want a hot meal that takes time in the kitchen, I go for anything I can make in a crock pot (beef & red bean chili, YUM).

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