a day of food.. and chocolate.

Morning! How are you all doing? I am having just the most excellent Wednesday. Yesterday afternoon, right as I was finishing up my HIIT session, my dearest, beloved Mom walked into the gym, to my complete surprise! Yay! So my next few days will be full of love and fun! I am a total mama’s girl//my mom is my best friend… if you couldn’t tell.

So without further ado (I’m actually off to walk with mom herself as I finish up this post), here’s a recap of my eats in a day (Tuesday as it happens.)

check out Jenn’s website for some more WIAW inspiration!

Tuesday: My morning started off with a little sip of coffee before I headed out for a 50 minute walk. It was misting the whole time but luckily the rain held off until a little after I arrived back home.

I started my morning off with my “hydration station”. 1/2 the coffee was drank before my morning walk. After the walk I had the rest of my coffee, a little apple cider vinegar + water, and a giant glass of water with lemon.


Breakfast followed: sauerkraut, 2 scrambled eggs,with broccoli, peppers, and cauliflower.


Thirty minute later, I realized breakfast wasn’t going to last me all morning, so I sliced up an organic gala apple and enjoyed it with some almond butter.

Breakfast held me through my classes (even if the classes made me sleepy…) and I finally arrived at lunch for a satisfying meal.


A jumbo salad with 2 grilled chicken strips hidden underneath, and topped with some red wine vinegar.


Afternoon snack (to fuel the studying!): 86% dark chocolate. snap, crackle, give me that chocolate! I think I’m an addict. I might be ok with it 😉


My workout for the day was a 30 minute HIIT workout on the treadmill. 30 seconds sprint, 1 minute walk. Repeat. Feel like a (sweaty) beast.


After my workout I still had over an hour until dinner and I needed a little refuel: chocolate chips (Enjoy Life dairy + soy free) with some raw almonds. More chocolate.. what can I say!


Dinner enjoyed with my mom and a club meeting: salad with all the veggies, topped with salmon that I brought from home (because I am a nutrition nerd.)

And there you have it– my eats for a typical day! Sometimes more, sometimes less, but always chocolate. It’s the best.

Questions of the day:

What is one food you eat (almost) every day?

Chocolate: dark, milk, or white?

Do I talk about chocolate too much? 😉

WIAW: finals week eats

Hey guys! These past 2 weeks have been…long! Finals finals finals. Now they’re over, my mom and my best friend will be here today, and within the next 4 days I’ll be in NC for a bridal shower, SC (again) for a wedding, and all the way back to NY//home sweet home. Of course, NY will only be home for so long, because in early January my parents are moving down to Florida. It is going to be a crazy 4 weeks home!

I wanted to share my eats from this hectic week, to show how I keep it healthy and stay energized during this time!

check out Peas And Crayons for more WIAW posts!




^^baked chicken breast (prepped ahead of time), sautéed greens with olive oil on top, banana^^


^^same meal, no banana. instead there’s some guacamole under there. quick, easy, delicious^^


^^my other go-to breakfast this week has been canned salmon + mustard, with a side salad I threw together^^




^^best lunch this week. It actually a little disappointing– we were expecting pesto, goat cheese and sundried tomatoes, but it was just a normal grilled cheese. What?! Oh well. The part that made it special was taking a study break with my guy to enjoy the outside air (yes, we can picnic in December in SC, don’t be jealous).^^

All the Studying:


^^nutrition, something I love to learn!^^


^^still have to make time for my Bible. or should I say, read my Bible and make time for studying 🙂 God first.^^



^^I took a ‘break’ Friday night to babysit, and the parents served me some delicious meat. Best job ever.^^


^^salads, all the time. I’m an addict. chicken caesar here, without croutons or dressing.^^


^^”winter” salad with greens, butternut squash, goat cheese, and hazelnuts.^^



^^studying at our Furman chapel means quiet, coffee, and snacks. #yesplease^^


^^a roomie date to destress. almond milk latte? don’t mind if I do.^^


And last, but certainly not least– workouts! I find my workouts key to keeping low stress and clear minded during study-filled weeks like this. It’s the perfect break from studying, and it helps me refocus when I do go back.


Questions of the day:

Are you traveling a lot for the holidays?!

Thanksgiving Weekend + getting back on track after indulgences.

The rest of Thanksgiving weekend was spent relaxing, working out, watching movies, and soaking up family time.

^^anthropologie treats for Black Friday shopping…as if we needed more food.^^


^^seeing my sister, the best!^^

So now, Thanksgiving is over, everyone’s headed back home and maybe we’ve had 2..3..4 days of ‘bad’ or overeating.. It can be so easy to continue down the path through the rest of the holidays, and suddenly it’s New Year’s and we really need those resolutions…

But it doesn’t have to be that way! Today is Monday, a great day to start back on your healthy habits. So how to do it?

1. make a plan.

It’s so much easier to be successful when you plan. Plan your meals for the week, even if it’s just what dinner you’ll have each night. That way there is no scrambling for food at the last minute, and ending up overeating or taking down the Christmas cookies before you get to the meal.




^^east meals, that can still be healthy. These take less than 5 minutes to throw together!^^

2. Schedule your workouts.

You make room for eye doctor, dentist, etc. appointments right? Well what is a workout besides another appointment to improve your health! Whether it is when you first wake up, or after you get home form work, scheduling in your workout holds you accountable to yourself. Just do it!


3. Enlist your family/roommates/friends.

No one really wants to gain weight over the holidays— think of all the parties and events , right? So ask your family, friends, roomies- whoever is around- to get on board and go for a morning walk with you, or trade off cooking healthy dinners. It is a lot easier to stay on track when you know someone else is counting on you.

4. Know when to indulge and when to keep it clean.

Eating healthy is not boring. It can seem that way when there are lots of cookies, cakes, eggnog, and other holiday treats around. When you are at a party, and there is your mom’s chocolate cake that she only makes once a year, or a glass of peppermint eggnog that you never drink- go ahead, indulge. But on an everyday basis, don’t keep those treats around! Plus- if you can have them every day, you don’t need to eat them all the time, they’re not that special!



You can keep it clean and still enjoy your foods- salads can have cheese or even corn chips and still be balanced. You can eat chocolate and stay healthy– maybe some Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter? Always takes care of my sweet tooth without the unnecessary buckets of added sugar!

Have a marvelous Monday- and a marvelous holiday season by keeping these tips in mind!

thehealthydiva Marvelous in My Monday Details!

Questions of the day:

How are you going to stay healthy this holiday season?

Think of someone right now who you can enlists as your healthy buddy!

My October Goals

It’s October, and I am following along with the October Blogging Challenge. I am really excited about this challenge, for one to inspire my daily posts, and just to spice things up!

Day 1: My goals for October.

Complete this challenge

 I know I probably won’t post every post on the exact day it’s set for, but I’m going to see it through and finish them all off.

Take more intentional rest time.

I am really terrible at resting. I like to go go go, take on more activities, commit to more. That is, until I fall over exhausted from trying to balance school, internship, friends, clubs, research, church.. and probably sick from the exhaustion of it all. This month I want to work on taking intentional rest time. It’s a completely foreign concept to me that I could sit for thirty minutes and read (a book for pleasure, not school) or take a night for myself, no commitments, no work, no socializing. I’ll be working on this day by day, and I’ll keep you all updated!


Trust myself more.

Simple, but difficult. I am working on this one, especially in me devotionals every morning.

Snack less.

I love snacking. I definitely don’t think it’s always a negative thing. But lately, my snacks have been things like chocolate chips, icing off cupcakes (I can’t have the gluten, but I do love some icing), etc. I am trying to eat meals whole/large enough that I don’t feel the need to snack.

Go hiking.

I am sorely missing my love, the outdoors. Need to remedy this during my favorite, glorious fall month.

What are some of your goals this month?

Whole 30 Day 4

Hey! Happy Weekend y’all! This post is all about the food, so I’ll get straight to it. This is Day 4 eats of my Whole30 journey. I hope they provide inspiration and healthy eats ideas for you guys.


A mishmash of everything I had in my fried. Fish, spinach, spaghetti squash, sauce// an apple + coconut butter on the side.



2 parts: eggs, spinach, and avocado. Followed by delicious plantain chips with ‘lazy girl guacamole’ (avocado, mixed with pico de gallo//other pre-made salsa).




I took one of my friends to workout for the first time- lots of fun!! We did a leg workout with some abs thrown in. It was a 10-9-8-7-6 workout, meaning we did 10 reps of each move, then went through the circuit again doing 9, etcetera down to 6 reps/move. This workout is no joke, and I promise your booty will feel it the next day (and the days after that….)!



I was hungry after that workout, so I threw together a bowl with frozen berries, a little almond butter, and some coconut milk drizzled on top. The coconut milk froze and made a delicious layer on the berries!



Spaghetti squash, spinach, tomato sauce, and fish. Basically breakfast repeated… #ifitaintbroke



A little late night snack for my hungry tummy. Bananas, almond butter, and a little coconut butter drizzled on top.


Question of the day:

What are some of your healthy eats lately?

WIAW: Whole30 style.

It’s WIAW and I’m sharing another day of my Whole30 eats!

Yesterday was Day 2 of my Whole30 journey. I obviously haven’t seen any changes yet, but I am getting more excited about these 30 days. I know it is going to be difficult– I really wanted a cookie at Bible Study last night. But I think I will definitely have an easier time than some because I wasn’t eating a highly processed diet before taking this challenge on.



Breakfast: Same as yesterday. Eggs, onion// banana + almond butter. If’ it’s not broken..




A simple throw together lunch: canned salmon (Trader Joe’s), carrots, spinach, and some mustard.

Accompanied by a delicious summer peach.


Afternoon snack eaten post-workout: a mashed banana, some Barney Butter (almond butter) and a little cocoa powder mixed in. I was worried it would taste weird without any sweetener but this was delicious.



Dinner enjoyed with the boy. Chicken breast cooked with garlic, spaghetti squash, spinach and some plain tomato puree for sauce. The boy enjoyed his with regular whole wheat pasta.


And I just had to share the beautiful rainbow (this picture does not do it justice!) that I saw on my drive to Bible Study. What a treat!

Question of the day:

What are you eating this week?

Any summer food favorites?

Finally Home.

I made it y’all! I am home and I actually made it through my junior year of college. It still feels pretty unreal. This time next year I will be graduating. And moving into the real world. (I think grad school counts?).

Since getting home, I have been enjoying some relaxing time with my parents, catching up with my best friend Krista, unpacking the way-too-many clothes I brought home, and organizing my notes for the MCAT. 



I am happy to be home and enjoy a leisurely breakfast. No running out the door for me! I’ve also been pretty exhausted from my past two weeks of finals/internship/packing/moving out… So going to bed early has been a real treat. I’m going to be a total grandma while I’m home, go to bed by 10ish and get up at 6:30. I love starting my mornings early!


^Coffee and Apple Cider Vinegar. Delicious.^


^Apple, oats, and salted nuts. A perfect sweet & salty combo.^

As for lunches, simple and quick have been my go. My days have been filled with family fun, so grabbing a quick lunch is just the trick!


^Brown rice wrap, banana, almond butter, and chocolate chips. All from Trader Joe’s. What can I say, I’m a TJ’s girl!^

Dinners have been real food. It feels great. During finals, more candy, sugar, and unhealthy seed oils snuck in than I would have liked. Now that I’m home, I’m keeping it clean and healthy. This makes me feel good, and I need that good energy for all my studying this month!


^2 eggs, butternut squash and some fresh guacamole.^


^Chicken tikka out with my dad. Simple- chicken, spices, onions. Tasted amazing and didn’t leave me in a post-restaurant stupor.^


^A mother’s day dinner I made for my  amazing mother. Salmon, sweet potatoes, and a chopped salad on the side.^

Fun around town.

I’ve been able to catch up with some friends, but mostly I’ve been hanging out with my mom and dad. I have missed them so much, it’s nice to relax and just hang out together.

My mom nanny’s for the MOST adorable little boy, Chase. Seeing him has been a lot of fun too!


^The hard life of a 1 year old.^


^Nothing some tickling can’t fix!^


^A beautiful walk with my dad last night. Everything is in bloom!^

What is your favorite part of being home?

Chocolate for Breakfast and Salads for Lunch.

Healthy living is all about balance right? Workouts, an active lifestyle, healthy foods, and some indulgences. I eat my vegetables, my protein, my good fats, and I try to live an active lifestyle. Sooooo, when I decide I want to throw some chocolate chips on my oats? Not a big deal. I roll with it. Even if it’s two days in a row…

Oats, almond milk, roasted nuts, and a few chocolate chips. A happy start to my day.



Workouts are, of course, an important part of the healthy lifestyle. However it’s important not to push too hard. During stressful weeks, intense workouts can put unnecessary stress on your body.

My workout yesterday was limited by another clumsy accident… I walked into the gym and went to hop on a treadmill. To my surprise… it was already on, at 6.3 mph. There was no one in sight, and I don’t know why it was on but… it left me pretty beat up. My right knee was skinned and my left knee got thrown into the edge of the treadmill, leaving me with some weird hole-esque wound. My arms got a little “treadmill-burn” as well, but I’m so thankful it wasn’t my face that hit the spinning band.

Today, my knee is pretty sore and a little swollen, but I got in a 45 minute Arc workout, and it actually felt good to stretch my knees out a little. It might be a few days before I attempt to run though…

IMG_5372 IMG_5373

Move on, right? I rarely go a full week without injuring myself, so I’m pretty used to this kind of this now.


Another key element of my balanced lifestyle? Heaps of colorful veggies keep me happy, and full of energy. I try to go for a big bowl of vegetables, some protein, and some fats. Balance!

Lettuce and mustard (not a full meal):


“Falafel” Salad with chicken instead of falafel.


Take-out salad from the dining hall-salads are my go-to option for the DH. There aren’t many healthy options, and this way I can stick to whole, unprocessed foods, that I know haven’t been covered in unhealthy seed oils or gluten-containing sauces. Salsa and hummus are great toppings + flavor adders.


What are your best tips for a healthy lifestyle?

A Week’s Work

What a crazy week. Luckily this one will be my last super busy week before my finals. I have my last big Physics test and my final presentation for my Independent Study this week. Then, this weekend is my boy’s formal down in Charleston. Lots to do- healthy food, good workouts, and organization is the best way to get through!

Here are my eats and workouts from this week!


Homemade chicken, quinoa, and pesto from NMK. He made me a belated birthday dinner. I am one lucky 21 year old!


Pecan-encrusted chicken salad. I went out with my roommate and her mom, and we all got the same thing. No regrets, this was the best chicken salad I’ve ever had.


Spaghetti squash, bell pepper, and eggs + hummus. A veggie-filled start to my day.


Another vegetable-tastic breakfast. I love cooking up vegetables on Sunday and having them for quick meals during the week.


Dining Hall salads. Basically only thing I eat there. I’m not complaining about that though.






Workouts this week:

Monday: A 5:45 am bootcamp workout. SO early but lots of fun.


Tuesday: A partner circuit with my roommate and an easy 20 minute cool down on the Arc Trainer. The partner circuit was no joke and almost killed us. In the best way!

Wednesday: Simple Arc Trainer workout. Busy days call for easy workouts!


Thursday: A 5 mile run on the treadmill.


Friday: An hour of cross training on the bike.

Saturday: A treadmill run and an outdoor circuit with my boy. But I didn’t account for the hot weather, and almost passed out. I am not ready for summer workouts!


Final Thoughts:



My beautiful school. I really am blessed!

This weekend I am also extremely thankful for my opportunity to be at this school and for my amazingly supportive parents. They make it all possible!

Question of the day:

What are you thankful for lately?

Is it springtime by you yet?


Have you guys checked out the awesome blogger Monica over at Bravo For Paleo? You need to! She has a great website, and an e-book that is only $3 with a guide to Primal eating, and how you can manage it in college. ^^This is a banana pancake from her book- and the recipe is only 2 ingredients!^


Justin’s Nut Butters! This was my first jar of Justin’s and I am a total believer. This is basically the same thing as Nutella. Except it’s 100x “real-er”. You can taste the hazelnuts, and it is not loaded with sugar. A new staple.


Salads are my specialty around here. Especially at my college dining hall. There aren’t too many healthy options, so I usually go for all the veggies, some protein, and possible some cheese or almonds on top!



Homemade salads are also a regular staple. I consider myself a salad connoisseur 😉 !



I wore real clothes multiple times this week. I consider that a win. It’s really tempting to wear leggings and a tshirt everyday- especially those days when I go from class to the lab to clubs…you get the picture!


I like to multitask when I’m stressed. Walking on the treadmill while studying- it allows me to get some activity in, while not neglecting my school work.


Final Thoughts:
