

Welcome to my little blog!

I am a college student living and loving through this amazing world. Currently that means a mix of South Carolina (school) and New York (home). I study…lots! I am a pre-med student, majoring in Spanish, and mixing in some Health Sciences. The perfect combination of my passions.

This is where I plan to share my love of …life! The goal of this blog is document how I loved, laughed, explored, and enjoyed my days. A big part of that is living a healthy life through clean eating and a good helping of exercise. Another big part, and recent development is a gluten-free lifestyle {due to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition}, which I am slowly learning to do. I was a vegetarian for 6+ years but am transitioning back into meat eating, in the most clean and sustainable way I can.

Some other passions you’ll see on here are: traveling, hiking, reading, and lots of coffee.


More things I love: organizing, laughing, crafting, talking, wooly socks, singing loudly, drinking tea, and Jesus Christ. Christ is the passion behind my healthy lifestyle, my happiness, and my joy!

So hi, hey, welcome! Come read and be ready for a lot of silliness and tons of quirks

16 thoughts on “about.

  1. Hey I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog ! another college student studying medical related stuff and trying to eat gluten free (I am struggling with some issues myself), this is practically exactly me. Have fun with your little internet space, I am looking forward to reading you in the future!

  2. What a fun blog! I enjoyed reading a bit today. Just read that you have Hashimotos. Sorry to hear, but I must tell you that after 17 years of thyroid hormones for exactly the same thing, I am no longer needing any meds! No symptoms! Absolutely no auto-immune disease! My new life passion is sharing about the journey to healing with the hope of encouraging others. I am 100% convinced that the journey to auto-immune diseases begins in the gut with digestive health. Please visit my blog and read the page on the left side bar titled.. “Bless the Gut”. I pray it will give you some food for thought and lead you to some of your own further research. If I had known the power of foods , especially cultured foods, many years ago, I firmly believe I would never have developed Hashis or Ulcerative Colitis… both auto-immune conditions. My site is RethinkWellnessHub.com. Hope you can stop by. THanks for the work on your blog… what a fun and worthy endeavor! God Bless You! Deana

  3. Great blog! It’s been a long while since my college days, but I did consider pre-med once upon a time. Good luck with your studies!

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