lately: meals + workouts.

hey all! I wanted to drop in for a quick recap of some meals, and what I’ve been doing for workouts lately! I’ll be back after the weekend with a recap of the most amazing wedding for my best friend!

meals lately:

^^a little snack pre-brunch last weekend. I don’t know about you guys, but I certainly can’t make it till an 11/11:30 brunch without a little snack beforehand^^




^^egg scrambles are my favorite. I think it might have something to do with how easy they are to make ;)^^



^^salads for lunch are my favorite, especially in this summer heat. canned salmon or some chicken (prepped over the weekend) are perfect to throw on top, and I usually go for either salsa + avocado or balsamic vinegar + EVOO for dressing^^




^^similar to my egg scrambles? throwing some veggies + ground beef in a pan and calling it a day. doesn’t get better than that^^


^^an afternoon espresso? don’t mind if I do^^


^^chocolate + brazil nuts: a favorite snack lately^^

fitness lately:

Unfortunately, I found out last week that I have a bad foot injury (I kind of figured from all the pain, but the doctor confirmed it!) so I am out of commission for most fitness-related activities right now. I am walking/running as little as possible (except when I waitress).

For workouts, I have been doing a little bit of lifting (mostly upper body), but for the most part I will just be sticking to the bike for the next few weeks. Not too excited about it, but I would rather speed up the healing time!


^side note: the week before the foot injury, I scratched my eye. yes, the doctors at Urgent Care remembered me…^


Hope y’all enjoy and get some healthy eating inspiration! I can’t wait to share all about my best friend’s wedding this weekend. The first event was last night and it has already been an incredible celebration!

Question of the day: 

What are you snacking on lately?

Chocolate for Breakfast and Salads for Lunch.

Healthy living is all about balance right? Workouts, an active lifestyle, healthy foods, and some indulgences. I eat my vegetables, my protein, my good fats, and I try to live an active lifestyle. Sooooo, when I decide I want to throw some chocolate chips on my oats? Not a big deal. I roll with it. Even if it’s two days in a row…

Oats, almond milk, roasted nuts, and a few chocolate chips. A happy start to my day.



Workouts are, of course, an important part of the healthy lifestyle. However it’s important not to push too hard. During stressful weeks, intense workouts can put unnecessary stress on your body.

My workout yesterday was limited by another clumsy accident… I walked into the gym and went to hop on a treadmill. To my surprise… it was already on, at 6.3 mph. There was no one in sight, and I don’t know why it was on but… it left me pretty beat up. My right knee was skinned and my left knee got thrown into the edge of the treadmill, leaving me with some weird hole-esque wound. My arms got a little “treadmill-burn” as well, but I’m so thankful it wasn’t my face that hit the spinning band.

Today, my knee is pretty sore and a little swollen, but I got in a 45 minute Arc workout, and it actually felt good to stretch my knees out a little. It might be a few days before I attempt to run though…

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Move on, right? I rarely go a full week without injuring myself, so I’m pretty used to this kind of this now.


Another key element of my balanced lifestyle? Heaps of colorful veggies keep me happy, and full of energy. I try to go for a big bowl of vegetables, some protein, and some fats. Balance!

Lettuce and mustard (not a full meal):


“Falafel” Salad with chicken instead of falafel.


Take-out salad from the dining hall-salads are my go-to option for the DH. There aren’t many healthy options, and this way I can stick to whole, unprocessed foods, that I know haven’t been covered in unhealthy seed oils or gluten-containing sauces. Salsa and hummus are great toppings + flavor adders.


What are your best tips for a healthy lifestyle?

weekly activities.

one of my best friends has been visiting me for the past week.. hence the sporadic postings. Here’s  a quick update.



Sunday– I ran to the gym (1.1 miles) then Arc-ed it up for 45 min

Monday– Lots of babysitting (5 hours….pics below), plus 10 min of Elliptical, 30 min of Arc

Tuesday- Walking ~4 miles (just to get to class/back and the gym/back it’s legit.) Elliptical 10 min; Arc 20 min

Wednesday- 5 mile run, woo! Did this outside at 6 am and….let’s just say it did NOT go very well. I didn’t drink any water beforehand, or bring any with me. By mile 4 I was pretty miserable, I even walked a few times. Hey- not every run can be great right? Makes the good ones feel more awesome!

Thursday- babysitting again. It’s a tiring day y’all! I love that the kids want to run around outside though- sooooo much better than keeping them stuck inside!

I biked to/from class {thanks to the boy for letting me use his bike}.

Later- I jogged 1.1 to the gym; Arced for 25 min; then jogged/walked home. I couldn’t figure out why my legs were so tired… then I remembered the painful 5 miles yesterday morning. oops.

Friday- we shall see! I’m supposed to have an 8 miler tomorrow but I’m postponing it to Sunday so I’ll probably do some sort of elliptical/biking today. Plus I’m totally lacking strength this week, so maybe some arms.


^post 5 miler. So happy to be done^

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^the best friend visiting. love this girl^


^first day of class…ah. I’m a junior!^


^interviewing for the babysitting job.^

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^working it. The girls like to take pictures…I’m not complaining!^


^nailed it. They love me. Not complaining about this either!^


^boys are hilarious. and odd.^


^salad from a lunch date :)^


^hummus sando SCARFED down while babysitting^



happy friday all!