Saturday, Run Day!

Doesn’t exactly have the same ring as “Sunday Runday”..but hey! That’s what I’ve got 😉

Yesterday was my long run– actually my last one before my half marathon. My morning was spent making breakfast for the boy + myself, doing some studying, and getting ready for the run. Breakfast was so yummy even if it wasn’t the healthiest! Trail mix and greek yogurt + some more trail mix and almond butter before I headed out to run.





The run was absolutely gorgeous. It was 55-60 degrees out, and felt so so awesome. I haven’t been able to do a lot of my runs outside {because of cold//rain}, so it felt good to get this one done on the road. I am lucky to have the beautiful Swamp Rabbit Trail right behind our campus, so I just headed out there and barely had to think, except for crossing the streets. It was fun to see all the other people out too! It makes me even more excited for race day, when all the other people are around and the adrenaline will be pumping.

After the run, I showered, relaxed, stretched, ate {trail mix + chips and salsa} and drank lots lots lots of water.


^^Dinner– a giant salad with fish, peppers, and rice. Eaten with plenty of chips + salsa.^^


I spent the rest of the evening cleaning {and procrastinating homework} and organizing my room. It felt so good to look through the boxes {and boxes…} of stuff I have under my bed. I love to throw things out//give things away! I even moved my bookcases and rearranged my decorations. It was a BIG Saturday night over here ;).

Questions of the day:

Did you have a fun Saturday night?

Anyone else like to procrastinate homework/work with other “chores’?

I am notorious of this one! It feels productive, but I still put off the work I actually need to do!

Lately– eats and workouts.

Sorry for the MIA this week! Yesterday I had my first Physics test of the semester, so I have been studying away all week. Have to keep my priorities in line during the semester, and unfortunately, blogging gets pushed down the list when school work/tests are piling up!

Anyway, here are some pictures since I’ve been absent!



^^breakfasts, eating up my gluten free quinoa flakes! with yogurt, and banana//apple!^^





^^salads, salads, and more salads for lunch. I love mix and match– feta + goat cheese are my “go to” for some fats, plus hummus, and gluten free chips.^^




^^a couple of dinners from the week– a hummus//gluten free sandwich, a grilled chicken breast, and a monster salad to-go {on a class night!}^^


^^treats! I made some awesome Almond Butter brownies from Paleo Grub. They are addicting and delicious. And paleo {aka gluten/grain/refined sugar free!}. Try them. You’ll thank me.^^


Tuesday- 2 mile run outside + BodyFit class +25 minute cardio {to do my Armour39 Assesment! plus a little extra.}

Wednesday- 30 minute Arc + 10 minute Elliptical.

Thursday- 25 minute run + 20 minute Arc workout.

Friday- Walk with the boy + 35 minute Arc HIIT workout.

TODAY- 12 miles … I’m procrastinating. It’s just a run but… nerves get the best of me!

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Question of the day:

What are your workouts for the weekend?

Weekender- 3 words.



First miles outside.

It started raining.


Time limit treadmills 😦


I’m not fast.


11 miles DONE champion.


Refuel with chocolate.


Also, fried rice.


My mom loves me.

Monogrammed running headband.



Breakfast on tortillas.


Walk with besties :).


Jumbo dinner salad.


Recovery day shake-out.


Smiles and scarves.

Questions of the day?

Three words to describe your weekend?

How do you refuel from a run?

The little runner that could.

On Friday morning, I woke up 2 hours before class and studied/finished up some last minute homework. It’s nice to have a 9:30 class because it’s just late enough that I can have 30 min-1 hour {depending on when I wake up} to cook, blog, or do any homework I haven’t finished.


^For breakfast, I noshed on some Roasted Red Pepper soup, with Udi’s Gluten Free toast and some egg whites on the side.^



^Lunch was eaten in the Dining Hall– salad, followed by some fruit, greek yogurt and cereal. It was pretty delicious, especially because I was starving by the time I ate it. I think I need to get some bigger breakfasts in..^

My afternoon was toiled away in the Research Lab, working on our video, and learning how to use all the fancy lab tools. I am so excited to start our real research this coming week!

After finishing up in the lab, I headed over to the gym for a quick workout- 35 minutes on the Arc Trainer and 20 on the Elliptical

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A quick shower and change later, and we were all off to dinner. My roommate’s boyfriend is in town so a whole group on us went out to Whole Foods and noshed hard on their salad bar. I love getting anything I want– I usually get a bite of almost everything- how could you resist?



^Some Zevia. Delicious!^


On Saturday morning, I woke up much earlier than I had planned, but I just rolled with it. I worked on emails and such for a while, before putting on some Downton Abbey and starting breakfast.



^I made pancakes for myself and the boy. Whole wheat. It was a little experiment for my gluten free life. The boy has been reading some things about how processed gluten is what really usually bothers people , as opposed to more natural foods like whole wheat flour, or just the plain grains. I used whole wheat flour, and ate a couple of them. I didn’t feel too bad afterward, but I don’t know if I necessarily felt amazing.^

A little homework, and some cleaning, then it was off to the gym for the 10 mile run! I usually do my long runs on Sundays, but I wanted to get it done for the weekend, especially because I have a lot of homework that I need to be working on today.



Unfortunately, because of the cold {freezing} weather I had to run inside. Ugh! I plan to do most of my runs outside for the last month of training, but I just hope it warms up a bit! I stopped about halfway to refill my water, and go to the bathroom. Then restarted for the rest of the run. I wasn’t running fast by any means. It’s so odd to me how one run can be great {like my 9.5 last weekend}



My amazing boyfriend showed up and ended up running the last 2.5 miles next to me. It was such a treat, and great encouragement to have him there smiling, and telling me that I could do it! I was also texting my mom the entire time.. she always makes me feel better!

After my run, I headed back and ate a banana, and chugged lots of water. I did laundry, and then proceeded to lay on my bed until I began to feel nauseous. I realized that I hadn’t really refueled after my run, and that was probably why. I drank some water + Nuun and ate another banana + some trail mix. After laying down a little more, I felt much better. I’m upset with myself that I didn’t refuel better!

The rest of the evening was Mexican food {I had tilapia, and LOTS of chips + salsa, plus the rice + beans from NMK’s fajitas. Score!}, and then hanging and playing games with the friends. We played Head’s Up {Ellen Degeneres’ App!} and then just talked. I headed to bed around midnight.


Weekend Warrior.

So I’m not entirely sure, but I think at college people use the term ‘weekend warrior’ for people who study hard during the week, but go hard on the weekends. I enjoy hanging out with friends on the weekends…but I’m definitely not someone who ‘goes hard‘. My version of weekend warrior is… working out, getting food prep done for the week, and cleaning the mess I’ve made during the week. Some may call me crazy ;). I do also enjoy using the weekends to catch up with friends who I don’t see during the week.


On Saturday morning, I woke up super early- like 6 am early. I don’t know why but.. I felt really well rested, so I just rolled with it. No one else in my apartment was awake yet, so I chilled on the couch for a while, {ok I was on pinterest} before moving our table out of the way and doing a quick 10 minute circuit. It felt good to get in some movement first thing in the morning. And even better to not have to go outside to do it! I watched some Kardashians while doing my workout/chilling. Guilty pleasure TV.




^A little bit later, I sipped on some Trader Joe’s Roasted Red Pepper Tomato Soup. Kind of weird breakfast choice..but it was a nice way to get some vegetables in first thing!^


After the soup, I roasted some spaghetti squash and some sweet potatoes, before whipping up some Gluten Free Banana Bread {recipe to come!}. I obviously proceeded to snack on some of that before putting it in the fridge {so I didn’t inevitably finish off the entire thing}.

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After organizing my room and doing some laundry, I ran out to grab groceries for the week + grab some decorations from TJ Maxx. I spent more than planned, but it is so fun to add cute items to our apartment! After the errands, I headed over to the gym for a little workout. I didn’t want to do anything crazy because I knew I had a long run on Sunday, and my legs were still a little sore from my circuit workout Friday. I did 50 minutes on the Arc Trainer. Have to keep that endurance up for my long runs! #halfmarathonhereIcome


After the workout, I showered, changed, and threw together a quick dinner. Spaghetti squash, green pepper, hummus, tomato sauce, and tilapia. Quick + easy. I threw an apple in my bag and ran out to go babysit.


Babysitting was so much fun. Most people at school are busy with Greek Recruitment this weekend, but I was free! My roommates are all independents as well, so we were still able to have some fun. Anyway, babysitting was great. This little nugget was too cute, and we played kitchen, matching games, and danced for a couple of hours. I put her to bed around 9 and had an hour to chill by myself before her parents came home. I don’t really love being alone in someone else’s house {hello– creepy?!} but Pinterest and Netflix kept me happy and distracted :).

After babysitting, I spent the rest of the night hanging out with my boy. We just chatted and he tried to roll a knot out of my leg! So painful but awesome- definitely helped for my run! We also snacked on some Brie and hummus. I love me some cheese.


Sunday morning, the boy and I headed off to church together. Church wasn’t until 11, so I had planned on getting some work done beforehand. Instead, I slept in until 9:30 and then got ready for church. Between getting ready and leaving early to get there {and pick up the boy} I didn’t have time for much breakfast, so I just grabbed a slice of my GF banana bread, and headed out the door.

By the time we got out of church at 12:30, I was pretty hungry and NMK was getting super hungry. It was real. {I kid.} We tried to go to Everyday Organic, my favorite local restaurant but they were all full, and we were not in the mood to wait. Since it was 1 pm by this time, we decided lunch fare would be acceptable. Thai food it was! I got some Red Curry with rice, which turned out to be awesome fuel for my long run!




After digesting and cleaning for about an hour, I headed over to the gym for my run. I try to run outside as often as possible, but I just wasn’t prepared for it yesterday. I don’t know.. I have to be in the right mental place- you know? I did my 9.5 miles, without stopping, and in a 9:40+ pace. I know– I’m not fast! But it felt great to get through, and I was speedy for me! I aim to finish my long runs under 10 min/mile. Nothing too crazy or ambitious for my first half! The run felt awesome, and I was so so happy! The middle miles were definitely a little boring, but I never felt like I needed to die. That’s a win!


After the run, I showered and cleaned up our apartment some. I also CHUGGED water. I filled three bottles and told myself to finish them before doing anything else. I wanted to make sure I hydrated. It makes such a difference in how I feel the next day, and I am definitely thankful for that today. I also had some greek yogurt mixed with protein powder. My muscles need that protein!

After resting for a while, my friend Sarah came over to join my roommates and I for a fun Girls’ Night! We had hummus, brie, goat cheese, guacamole, chips, crackers, and salsa. Tapas, delicious style. After chatting, painting our nails, and chowing down, we flipped on Revenge. I love love love Revenge. It is taking some crazy twists and turns this season- y’all should check it out! I am so sad it won’t be back on till March. At least I’ll have the Olympics to distract me.

A little later, we split some Half Baked ice cream from Ben & Jerry’s. It was amazing. Perfect treat after that long run!


Questions of the day:

Do you ever struggle with running outside? Do you prefer road or treadmill?

What is your favorite treat/trashy TV indulgence?

weekly activities.

one of my best friends has been visiting me for the past week.. hence the sporadic postings. Here’s  a quick update.



Sunday– I ran to the gym (1.1 miles) then Arc-ed it up for 45 min

Monday– Lots of babysitting (5 hours….pics below), plus 10 min of Elliptical, 30 min of Arc

Tuesday- Walking ~4 miles (just to get to class/back and the gym/back it’s legit.) Elliptical 10 min; Arc 20 min

Wednesday- 5 mile run, woo! Did this outside at 6 am and….let’s just say it did NOT go very well. I didn’t drink any water beforehand, or bring any with me. By mile 4 I was pretty miserable, I even walked a few times. Hey- not every run can be great right? Makes the good ones feel more awesome!

Thursday- babysitting again. It’s a tiring day y’all! I love that the kids want to run around outside though- sooooo much better than keeping them stuck inside!

I biked to/from class {thanks to the boy for letting me use his bike}.

Later- I jogged 1.1 to the gym; Arced for 25 min; then jogged/walked home. I couldn’t figure out why my legs were so tired… then I remembered the painful 5 miles yesterday morning. oops.

Friday- we shall see! I’m supposed to have an 8 miler tomorrow but I’m postponing it to Sunday so I’ll probably do some sort of elliptical/biking today. Plus I’m totally lacking strength this week, so maybe some arms.


^post 5 miler. So happy to be done^

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^the best friend visiting. love this girl^


^first day of class…ah. I’m a junior!^


^interviewing for the babysitting job.^

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^working it. The girls like to take pictures…I’m not complaining!^


^nailed it. They love me. Not complaining about this either!^


^boys are hilarious. and odd.^


^salad from a lunch date :)^


^hummus sando SCARFED down while babysitting^



happy friday all!

roadtrippin’ day 3.


on Tuesday, we headed from Richmond, VA down to Carborro, NC {which is basically 2 streets over from Chapel Hill}. “Carborro, NC?” you’re probably thinking… “that was kind of a random choice..” but it had logic behind it. Over the course of our roadtrip, we really only wanted to drive ~4 hours every day {so we could enjoy our time —especially because we were traveling in two different cars}.

So day 1: New York — Lancaster {~4 hours….except when we got lost so… ~5 hours}

day 2: Lancaster — Richmond {~4.5 hours}

day 3: Richmond — Carborro {~2.5 hours}

Between Virginia and Greenville {~6.5 hours} we were looking for somewhere to stop, but we wanted a cute, new place that neither of us had been before! I checked out this list of Outside’s Best Towns 2013. I came across the list originally because my FAVE town Greenville, SC was listed. When I saw a town in North Carolina that was conveniently located about halfway between Richmond and Greenville…done and done.

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^so Tuesday morning we packed up {after another lovely morning walk together} and headed a short ways down to Carborro. Apparently the Carborro Farmer’s Market is truly awesome, but unfortunately we didn’t plan our trip for the right day to go! Oh well, next time.^


^as soon as we pulled up, la madre and I headed to find somewhere for lunch. This cute restaurant- The Spotted Dog came up on Urbanspoon {side npte- I love Urbanspoon and use it in new cities to determine good places to eat and check out the options before heading over.}^



^Lunch was AWESOME. If you’re in the Chapel Hill area {…Sarah}  definitely head over and check this out! They had awesome vegetarian options, but plenty of meat friendly options too- perfect for vegetarians who want to eat well, but not hear the complaints from their carnivorous friends about the ‘hippie food’. My mom and I split the hummus, which was a little chunky in a totally awesome way. Then I went with the quinoa burger for a side salad…so good! Did you know quinoa is a complete protein? Check out it’s awesome health benefits here.^

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^walking around the adorable {literally 4 streets big} town of Carborro^


^Olivia’s spring mix?!?! Made for me :)^

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^mid-afternoon la madre and I classed it up with some french press coffee at Oasis in Carborro. Not only was the atmosphere calming, and the coffee rich, the girl working there was SO sweet and chatted with us the whole time we were there. Plus- $7.00 for two 17 oz pots of french press coffee? You can’t beat that!^

We spent the rest of the afternoon walking around Chapel Hill {which is right next to Carborro}. It’s a really cute college town with lots of boutiques and restaurants. I bought two posters for my apartment, plus WAY too many cute dresses from Bevello. If you haven’t heard of Bevello- GO. They have locations is Alabama, Illinois, Texas, Virginia, Georgia, and North Carolina. The girls working there were so sweet, chatting and helping me find the perfect dresses for me. I highly recommend it!


^after all that hard work {shopping is legit y’all} we were famished, and settled on Kipos Greek Taverna for dinner.^


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^the restaurant is based on traditional Greek eating style, where you get small plates and split then. We tried a beet salad {local beets yay!}, an eggplant spread, crispy vegetables, and oven roasted local veggies. So, SO good. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but split between two people, we filled up the perfect amount!^


^then it was off to the hotel, and a 5 mile run for me! Ugh, honestly I was’t really feeling it after walking around all day, but I was glad that I did it. It’s important to keep my miles up if I want to be ready for the longer runs on the weekend!^

so….that was day 3! Day 4 recap to come…and then I’ll be back to more regularly scheduled eats and workouts! Happy Friday :)!