Vegetables and too many classes.

Thursday morning started off early, with breakfast and reading before my 8:30 lab. One of my classes this semester is a Health Sciences independent study, so I need to spend ~12 hours in the lab a week to count as my “class time”. It’s definitely a lot, but I love my HSC research, so I don’t mind the time requirement.

For breakfast, I decided to eat some whole, healthy foods. Sweet potato, and spaghetti squash. Both were already cooked, so I only had to heat them up. Convenient and delicious. I added some hummus and carrots for a satisfying and vegetable-filled breakfast.



^all bundled up for the lab. Well, plus the jacket, gloves, and ear muffs… it’s cold out there y’all!^

My hours in the lab were spent filming and compiling a video. We filmed the layout of the lab, and different tests that were being conducted. It was a bit tedious, but it will be exciting when we get our finished project on the lab website!


^One test in progress- a VO2 max test, which basically measures oxygen/air usage.^

Right after lab, I headed into the gym {conveniently right next to our lab} and took a BodyFit class. It was a weight training class, and this time we focused on arms + abs, with a few lunges mixed in. I have been meaning to incorporate more strength training in my schedule, but it has been hard with all the half marathon training. The class felt great, and I am definitely feeling it in my arms, my core, and my backside today!

After that, I had lunch with a friend. I was starving by this point..oops. Pointer- don’t do a 12:30 class when you haven’t eaten since 8 am. My bad. I’ll have to bring a snack next time!

The rest of the afternoon was spent doing homework. First on campus, and then in my apartment. My wonderful boyfriend actually came and picked my up so I didn’t have to walk the 1 mile back in the cold. I love to walk, but I hate to be in the cold.

After working on Spanish and Physics for a few hours, I headed back to the gym. My schedule was to run 4.5 miles today, but because of the workout class I had already done, and my legs feeling more tired than usual, I only ran 2 miles. 17:51 minutes. Faster than I normally run- I was proud of myself!


Following the run, I went to a yoga class that I had promised to attend. My boy was going, and one of his fraternity brothers was teaching the class. It felt great, but it was definitely a little more difficult than I thought I would be. I expected stretches and mediation, but it was a little heavier on warrior poses {hello quads!}, chaturungas {basically a pushup}, and strength moves. Hence– why I am a little sore today….



Yoga was immediately followed by dinner with my boy, and his little + big. It was so fun. Also– big news y’all! I had chicken. I’ve mentioned a little bit before about how I have begun to eat some fish since becoming gluten free. Well, over winter break I had chicken in a salad. It wasn’t really a conscious decision- I just ordered the salad and forgot to get the chicken taken off. Well, last night I had some grilled chicken, and it wasn’t half bad! I guess my conversion is becoming more and more real.  Sweet potato fries on the side. Classic + delicious.

I had Bible Study after dinner, and ended up staying and chatting for ~2 hours with all the wonderful girls. It is so great to have good friends, who love Christ and want to share their journey with Him.

Questions of the day:

Do you like fitness classes?

How do you incorporate strength training into your workout?

friday five {18}

it’s back! After a week hiatus from Friday Five (sorry y’all!) here’s edition #18 of my Friday Five1

to eat:

Thanksgiving is coming up….oh the sugar, the sweets, the indulgence…. it can all get out of control, and spiral all the way through Christmas and New Year’s. So with that in mind.. here are some treats that indulge your taste buds without bulging your waste line!


^Gluten Free, High Protein Molten Lava Cake {uhm…heck yes}. via^


^Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough…that’s egg free and actually beneficial to you. via^


^Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Brownies. via^


^Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies. via^

to do:


^An awesome strength building yoga workout via yoga aficionado Tara Stiles.^


^A workout for those stubborn lower abs via Bikini Body Mommy.^

to wear:

Today I wanted to highlight one of my favorite bloggers for fashion inspiration. These fall looks are all courtesy of Atlantic Pacific— a classy quirky style blog you should definitely check out!






^my favorite… so cozy and yet so pulled together!^

to read:

In honor of the new Hunger Games: Catching Fire movie (out this week!): 27 Times Jennifer Lawrence & Josh Hutcherson Proved They Have The Best Offscreen Relationship Ever

The 35 Most Touching Photos Ever Taken {perhaps an exaggeration but still just as awesome}

to think about:







I’ve seen this survey floating around and since I love questions/lists I thought I would join in!

1. What did you eat for breakfast?

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yum smoothie! Smoothies are the best- a base of almond milk and protein powder + any frozen fruit- a new creation every day!

2. How much water do you drink a day?

I try to drink 80+ oz per day- I love my Contigo water bottle! It has a top that is double secure so I can throw it in my bag on the go and not worry about spills. Keeps me drinking and hydrated all day.

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3. What is your current favorite workout?

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I’m loving at-home workouts right now! Getting things done on my time. The best is cardio in the morning and then I do weights/toning at night while watching tv! Makes it fly by.

4. How many calories do you eat a day?

Good question! I don’t really know but if I had to guess I would say 1500-1700 a day is probably the average. Instead of focusing on calories, I focus on eating clean- whole, unprocessed, real foods. That doesn’t mean I don’t have some treats- but I try to make that the exception and healthy eating the rule.

5. What are your favorite healthy snacks?

So many! How to choose?


guac! plain simple and yummy!


yogurt with nut butter


hummus and veggies

6. What do you usually eat for lunch?

Lunch is usually a big salad that I can throw together easily- lots of veggies, some hummus or avocado, and some sort of protein like a veggie burger.


this is a typical salad!

7. What is your favorite body part to strength train?

probably…my abs! I love to crunch it out!

8. What is your least favorite body part to strength train?

hm… mostly I enjoy everything but I’ll say arms for the sheer fact that they’re my weakest link.

9. What are your “bad” food cravings?

chocolate chocolate chocolate!!! It’s my weakness (but I don’t really mind!)


10. Do you take vitamins or supplements?

I take a probiotic supplement!

11. How often do you eat out?

Hard to say…pretty infrequently! Mostly due to $$ consciousness and business. Probably once every 2 weeks.

12. Do you eat fast food?

Nope! Makes me feel gross, I don’t see any need for it!

13. Who is your biggest supporter?

My wonderful family!

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14. Do you have a gym membership?

Yes! I have a membership at our local university for the summer. It’s so close, which is great, because I can bike there as a convenient warmup/cool down!

15. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

Too few…. probably 6 per night. I like to get 8 when I can, it makes me feel so awesome all day long!

16. Do you have a “cheat” day?

Not really. I have a moderation mentality. If I have the chance to have a delicious piece of cake or a special ice cream…I’m definitely not going to pass that up! By eating healthy most of the time I am able to balance with a few treats once in a while.

17. Do you have a workout buddy?

Yes! My amazing boyfriend Nathan is a fitness lover like me and we always have fun working out together. Hiking is especially great with him.


18. What is the best thing that has changed about your life since committing to a healthy lifestyle?

The best thing is…feeling great.. I love my healthy lifestyle because I’m happy, energized, and feel like I focus more on the moments of life rather than poor eating or what people think of me.

19. What was the last healthy thing you did?

Worked out this morning! I love to get up and get my sweat on – after a little coffee of course!IMG_1148

What are your favorite healthy habits?