WIAW: “clean” eating?

what is clean eating? so many different meaning that can come from this phrase. for me, clean eating means eating the way that makes me physically and mentally feel my best. between school, life, and spring break the past few weeks I haven’t been sticking to as ‘clean’ of a diet as I usually do. this means more sweets sneaking in, less nutrient dense foods, and more snacks/smaller meals. Nothing that will kill me, but not optimal nutrition.

So, I’m focusing back on the basics: no grains, gluten, sugar, legumes, or processed foods. plus a little raw dairy. aka the diet I have found to make me feel and perform my best! this doesn’t mean that my choices are right for everyone, but they certainly work for me.

also today: linking up to Jenn @ Peas And Crayons to share a day of my eats!


a morning walk is most definitely my favorite way to start the day. activity, thought time, podcast time. Plus, daylight savings time means I get to see more of these beautiful sunrises during my usual walk time!


probiotics + sauerkraut. two supplements that help keep my digestion on track and my tummy happy.


breakfast: eggs, asparagus, and spinach//cooked in ghee. my favorite cooking fat for flavor!


it’s been 75+ here the past two days. I know I live in the South but still.. 80 in March?! Not complaining. *it is supposed to go down a lot the next few days, boo!*


lunch a la Dining Hall. a huge salad with red wine vinegar and feta cheese on top.


afternoon snack: I didn’t know what to eat, so I just had a spoonful of this. hit the spot!


for my workout, I did a 5 minute warmup on the Arc trainer before completing this awesome barbell workout (2x) from Gina at The Fitnessista


dinner: taco salad paleo style. chicken, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, onions, salsa, and some mashed avocado. topped with salt + lime juice


after some homework, chores, etcetera, I needed a little snack. green apple + Happy Cow grass-fed raw milk cheese. #dontmindifido

Question of the day:

What does clean eating mean for you?

15 thoughts on “WIAW: “clean” eating?

  1. ‘aka the diet I have found to make me feel and perform my best’ – love this definition of clean eating!
    Oh and apple and cheese as a snack, genius! I don’t know why I don’t have that more often!

    • thanks 🙂 it’s working pretty well for me!
      apple + cheese is the BEST– my roommate inspired me, and I’m obsessed now!

  2. I hear you on finding the right formula of what works for you. I tried 100% paleo a year ago and now I eat a modified version of paleo (I eat rice and dairy) and I only strive to paleo 80% of the time. My biggest “yuck” is added sugar. I try not to eat any sweets – my weakness is dark chocolate, which is the one sweet that doesn’t give me a headache.

    • I agree! Sugar makes me all kinds of crazy (especially if I eat too much right before bed) but that dark chocolate seems to be something I can enjoy without negative effects!

  3. Oh man, I couldn’t give up all that stuff!! Clean eating to me is pretty basic – fresh, real ingredients. I don’t eat clean all the time [probably 80% of my day] but I try to focus on lots of fruits and veggies, whole grain carbs [oats, brown rice] and lean proteins [mostly beans, some chicken]. But eating “clean” really is whatever you make it!

  4. What a great outlook on clean eating! Have you tried the Ingredient1 app yet? You can set a personalized diet type, opt out of certain ingredients and can peruse foods / ingredients / nutrition labels before heading to the store!

  5. So similar to my eats this week – after coming back from a rather indulgent holiday, I was literally craving veggies! I’m with you on those early morning walks too – so nice to see the sunrise!

  6. That sunset… amazing. I love walking and listening to podcasts. I definitely don’t eat “clean” most of the time but like you said, everyone has their own way of eating that works for them! Gotta do you!

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